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    Ինքնակառավարումը եվ հոգեկան առողջությունը
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Ղազարյան Արմինե ; Ժամկոցյան Ռուզաննա
    Currently, the topic of mental health has gained special relevance. These complex geopolitical, social and economic situations are accompanied by constant and long-lasting uncertainty, instability, a large flow of negative and unspecified news, various changes in everyday life. This situation is characterized by anxiety, worry, tension, fears, which we can consider threats to mental health. Maybe some people are able to control their emotional sphere, adapt to changing situations faster, but the psychological health of many people is shaken. In this article, we have addressed mental health, the factors that threaten it, and the importance of self-management and its features in this context. Health is the basis of our entire life, the key to success and well-being, the most important condition for achieving life's goals. It is not only the main value of a person, but also of society and the state. The promotion and prevention of mental health should include all structural areas of a person, including the self-management system with all its components. A person with a healthy mind does not make decisions that contradict the usual rules of behavior established in society. In other words, if a person's moral status is not deformed, then we can expect that the decisions he makes will benefit him, the people around him, and the cause to which he has dedicated himself.
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    The division of Georgia: Ottoman-Safavid rivalries and the treaty of Amasya (1555-1590)
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Papikyan Vardan
    This article examines the impact of two critical historical events on the geopolitical landscape of Georgia during the XVI century: the Treaty of Amasya (1555) and the Iran-Ottoman war of 1578–1590. The study explores how the Treaty of Amasya, as a resolution to the Ottoman-Safavid conflict, institutionalized the division of Georgia into Ottoman and Safavid spheres of influence, thereby fragmenting its political and territorial integrity. Additionally, the article delves into the dynamics of Georgian-Ottoman relations during the Iran-Ottoman war, highlighting the dual role of Georgian kingdoms as both participants and pawns in the broader imperial contest for dominance in the Caucasus. Through the use of primary sources, including Ottoman archival documents, Safavid correspondence, and Georgian chronicles, the article provides a nuanced analysis of imperial diplomacy, military strategies, and the local agency of Georgian rulers. By integrating these perspectives, the research challenges traditional narratives, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of Georgian interactions with the Ottoman and Safavid empires. This interdisciplinary study contributes to the historiography of Ottoman-Safavid relations and Caucasian history, shedding light on the enduring consequences of geopolitical fragmentation and imperial rivalry. It invites further scholarly inquiry into the regional dynamics of early modern empires and their implications for the socio-political evolution of contested territories like Georgia.
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    Դպրոցականների ֆիզիկական դաստիարակության գործընթացում ընտանեկան ավանդույթների կիրառման մանկավարժական պայմանները
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Ավետիսյան Նելլի ; Ադամյան Էվելինա
    This article presents the content directions, functions, structure, conditions of application of family traditions in the process of schoolchildren’s 95 physical education. To study the pedagogical conditions, we analyzed literary sources, physical education programs, training manuals, summaries, which are related to national traditions, customs, family education, including physical education traditions. According to our research objectives, we conducted observations in settlements, public schools, and families, paying attention to: 1) events related to national games in settlements, the use of outdoor games, the frequency of using playgrounds, 2) celebrations held in public schools, cooperation with parents related to children's education, including physical education. A questionnaire survey was conducted to find out the parents' position and opinion regarding traditions and customs. We conducted the questionnaire survey among parents of junior schoolchildren attending schools No. 21, 30, 23, 37 of Gyumri: 138 parents took part in the survey.
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    Роль общего образования в деле формирования компетентной личности как основы устойчивого развития государства
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Гаспарян Мхитар ; Даштоян Егише
    In the context of the humanization and democratization of the general education system, it is relevant to understand the relationship between the personal characteristics of a graduate, the requirements of the state and the system of social values. The purpose of this work is a theoretical analysis of the role of general education in the formation of a competent personality as the basis for sustainable development of the state, through the prism of modern concepts of personality development, culture and management styles and the competence model of education. The article reveals the essence of the concepts of management culture as a system of value orientations choosing the most optimal management style based on the principles of humanism, protection of nature and human life, their reproduction, reliance on human capital. Managerial culture is considered as a subsystem of a unified regulatory system that ensures the institutional manageability of social processes, based on values, customs, traditions, and moral culture of the region. The concepts of "knowledge, skills, and competencies" and their interrelation are explained. The structure of competencies is considered in detail, the importance of introducing and developing a competence-based approach in forming a portrait of a school graduate and evaluating educational results is emphasized. The necessity of providing educational institutions with the opportunity to form in the younger generation all competencies that meet the interests of society and contribute through the harmonious formation of a competent and competent personality to the sustainable development of the state is substantiated.
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    Կառավարումը որպես միջգիտակարգային ուսումնասիրության հիմնախնդիր
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Լաչինյան Լիլիթ
    Management research focuses on exploring interdisciplinary challenges, particularly in areas such as organizational behavior, information technology, engineering, innovative management, legal and ethical issues, financial and economic resource management, as well as the socio-psychological aspects of developing and promoting communication tools and marketing strategies. As a result, management issues are examined through interdisciplinary approaches, with theoretical and methodological foundations grounded in fields such as management, economics, and psychology. From this perspective, we can identify two forms of cross-disciplinary interaction: first, the integration of knowledge systems from these disciplines, and second, the examination of diverse perspectives from researchers addressing the same issue. In this article, we emphasize the importance of studying management issues from the perspective of interdisciplinary knowledge integration and the communication barriers that arise when different scientific disciplines bring their own concepts and methodologies to address the process of interdisciplinary cooperation in management and its organization.