Роль общего образования в деле формирования компетентной личности как основы устойчивого развития государства
Роль общего образования в деле формирования компетентной личности как основы устойчивого развития государства
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In the context of the humanization and democratization of the general education system, it is relevant to understand the relationship between the personal characteristics of a graduate, the requirements of the state and the system of social values. The purpose of this work is a theoretical analysis of the role of general education in the formation of a competent personality as
the basis for sustainable development of the state, through the prism of modern concepts of personality development, culture and management styles and the competence model of education.
The article reveals the essence of the concepts of management culture as a system of value orientations choosing the most optimal management style based on the principles of humanism, protection of nature and human life, their reproduction, reliance on human capital. Managerial culture is considered as a subsystem of a unified regulatory system that ensures the institutional manageability of social processes, based on values, customs, traditions, and moral culture of the region. The concepts of "knowledge, skills, and competencies" and their interrelation are explained. The structure of competencies is considered in detail, the importance of introducing and developing a competence-based approach in forming a portrait of a school graduate and evaluating educational results is emphasized. The necessity of providing educational institutions with the opportunity to form in the younger generation all competencies that meet the interests of society and contribute through the harmonious formation of a competent and competent personality to the sustainable development of the state is substantiated.
DOI: 10.51307/182931072015233260-24.69-13