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    Արտ-ժուռնալիստիկան լրագրողական կրթության հոլովույթում
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Ստեփանյան Լիլիկ
    This paper explores the mission of the field of art journalism and the subject matter, objectives, and goals of the elective course titled ‘Media Coverage of Arts’ offered by the Scientific-Educational Center for Public 196 Communication and Journalism at BSU. It discusses the learning outcomes of the course and addresses several key aspects. The article presents art as a unique and essential means of understanding the world, defining terms such as culture and art, and examining the history and current significance of art journalism. For the first time in the Republic of Armenia, it outlines the objectives of journalism education related to art journalism and examines various issues concerning the teaching methodology of the course “Media Coverage of Arts”. Additionally, the article contains the author’s considerations on the elective nature and the duration of the ‘Media Coverage of Arts - 1, 2’ course, which spans two semesters of undergraduate study.
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    «Զբոսաշրջության բիզնեսի պլանավորում եվ կազմակերպում» առարկայի դասավանդման մեթոդիկան բպհ «Զբոսաշրջություն» մագիստրոսական ծրագրում
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Չերքեզյան Էմիլ
    Business planning and organization courses are among the most popular in both formal and informal educational systems. This article aims to present a general framework for designing courses in business 183 planning, development, and organization. It can serve as a methodological guide for creating these courses for both humanities and non-humanities disciplines. The course is designed to give a general insight into the economic and commercial activities in the field of tourism. It incorporates both passive and active learning methods, including lectures, individual/practical assignments, and project-based learning. The objective of the course is to equip students with fundamental knowledge and skills in entrepreneurial initiative, specifically tailored to the training of future tourism specialists.
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    Ունկնդրման կարողությունների ձեվավորման սկզբունքները անգլերեն լեզվի ուսուցման գործընթացում
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Շահնազարյան Ագնեսա
    This article focuses on listening as a component of speech activity and its significance in teaching a foreign language. It analyzes the characteristics of listening, addresses challenges in developing students' listening skills at the initial stages of language learning, and proposes principles for building these skills based on the development of language and speech abilities. The article provides an overview of the most up-to-date and relevant principles for effective teaching.
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    Համակցված ուսուցման արդյունավետությունը «Զբոսաշրջություն» և «Սերվիս» մասնագիտությունների մասնագիտական առարկաների դասավանդման գործընթացում
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Մինասյան Աննա Ռ.
    This article introduces blended learning as a personalized, student-centered approach aimed at developing professional competencies. It examines the effectiveness of using blended learning to teach professional subjects in higher education programs related to “Tourism” and “Service”. The survey conducted as part of the study identified the primary challenges encountered in teaching professional subjects, most of which can be addressed through the implementation of blended teaching methods.
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    Strategies for developing students’ plurilingual competence
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Ghazaryan Siranush
    The article addresses the issue of fostering plurilingual competence among students in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Armenia. It dwells on the idea that developing plurilingual competence is now an integral part of contemporary education. Consequently, it is essential that certain strategies should be used, which not only enhance foreign language education but also promote the students’ plurilingual skills. By focusing on the instruction of English in Higher Education Institutions, the article aims to propose strategies for enhancing students’ plurilingual competence. It also presents the results of the study conducted through such research methods as observation, survey, experimental teaching, and outcome analysis. The practical significance of the study lies in utilizing its findings to improve foreign language education by specifically targeting the development of plurilingual competence. The key outcome of the study is that the strategies for plurilingual competence development were effective and feasible for implementation into the foreign language teaching process.