«Դպրոցը որպես ձեռնարկություն» հայեցակարգը որպես ճկուն կառավարման մեթոաբանության առանցքային բաղադրիչ
«Դպրոցը որպես ձեռնարկություն» հայեցակարգը որպես ճկուն կառավարման մեթոաբանության առանցքային բաղադրիչ
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The article presents the concept of “school as an enterprise”, the influence of this concept on the formation of various, mainly dynamic management models. Considering the problems of school management from the point of view of production metaphors, the school is considered as a factory or enterprise that “produces” learning. Based on this approach, the 44 idea is substantiated that the introduction of business management models in the field of education can contribute to the creation of a new, more effective management model. The importance of the concept of “school as an enterprise” is also justified by the idea that the introduction of change management models contributes not only to the creation of a flexible school management model, but also creates appropriate conditions for students to choose the right profession during their studies at school, for a “flexible” organization of work in further work activity. The tendency of individualization
of the educational process, formed as a result of the introduction of the concept of “school as production,” has been identified.
DOI: 10.51307/182931072015233260-24.69-30