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The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the relationship between the type of ethnic identity and stress resistance of the Armenian, Assyrian, and Yezidi soldiers participating in the war. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work was the psychological theories and concepts related to the ethnic identity and stress resistance of the person, on the basis of which appropriate research methods and methodologies were chosen. Correlational analyzes of the obtained results show that in emergency situations, the servicemen participating in the war with a high level of stress resistance are able to maintain their sense of national identity, and on the contrary, at a low level of stress resistance, the manifestations of national identity weaken. The results of the study support the assumption that there is a direct correlation between positive ethnic identity and the level of stress resistance. The strong positive association between ethnic identity and stress resilience among combatants may be explained by the fact that servicemen who have a strong positive ethnic identity find support from members of the primary group, which also contributes to the levels of stress resilience. In the conditions of war, the support of the primary group becomes more important, because in stressful conditions, the ethnic identity with the group is manifested as a psychological defense mechanism.
DOI: 10.51307/182931072015233260-24.69-156