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ItemDeveloping reading skills(Լինգվա, 2009) Babayan A. ; Muradyan R.
ItemEnglish readings skills : I year(Լինգվա, 2002)
ItemEnglish readings skills : II year(Լինգվա, 2003)
ItemФеномен У. Сарояна в контексте межкультурного дискурса (к проблеме изучения лингвокогнитивной структуры художественного текста)(Երևանի պետական համալսարան, 2010) Гаспарян Гаянэ Раффиевна
ItemЯзык и стиль исторического романа Д. Демирчяна "Вардананк"( 1971) Хлгатян Фридрих Оганесович
ItemЯзыковые особенности произведений У. Фолкнера в аспекте коммуникативной стилистики( 1984) Гаспарян Гаянэ Раффиевна
ItemԱռածա-ասացվածքային միավորը որպես թարգմանական խնդիր (Ուսումնամեթ. ձեռնարկ լեզվ. բուհերի բարձր կուրսերի ուսանողների համար)(Լինգվա, 2013) Աբրահամյան Լիլիթ
ItemԴիպվածաբանությունների իմաստակառուցվածքային առանձնահատկությունները (անգլալեզու տպագիր և առցանց լրագրերի նյութի հիման վրա)(ԵՐԵՎԱՆԻ ՊԵՏԱԿԱՆ ՀԱՄԱԼՍԱՐԱՆ, 2017) Բարսեղյան Գայանե ԱնդրանիկիThe dissertation explores the semantic-structural characteristics of nonce words, used in English journalistic articles, and analyzes the cases of their lexicalization and socialization. The lexicographical graveyard is crowded with newly-coined words or new senses of existing words that are introduced into the English language, for the purpose of naming new objects, concepts and phenomena. To reflect the reality effectively, the journalists make use of nonce or occasional words, which serve the purpose of drawing the readers’ attention and making the news report more expressive and emotive-evaluative. The research aims at the semantic-structural analysis of nonce words used in English newspapers and magazines. To achieve the aim of the research, the following objectives are set forth: to investigate the approaches to the terms neologism and hapax legomena/nonce word/occasionalism in linguistic literature, to investigate and systematize the factors hampering the process of word-building, to reveal the part of speech classification of the nonce words under study and their appurtenance to different lexico-semantic thematic groups, to reveal the frequency of occurrence of the words under study, to define the functions of nonce words in English journalistic articles, to determine the nonce status of the words under study. To realize the above-mentioned objectives, the descriptive, componential and statistical methods of analysis have been applied to the research. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the given study can contribute to further semantic-structural investigations of new words in English. The practical value of the research is conditioned by the fact that the results of the research can be used in the courses of Lexicology, Semantics and Text Analysis, as well as in compiling university textbooks and dictionaries. The topicality of the research is conditioned by the fact that the revelation of new words is of paramount importance in the language picture of the world. Each year hundreds of new words and semantic neologisms emerge, most of them make their way into English dictionaries. Therefore, the topicality of 19 the research hinges on the demand for the analysis of the means that enrich the English language. The novelty of the research is determined by the new and comprehensive study of nonce words singled out from English journalistic articles. Here for the first time the nonce words, the formation of which is blocked by phonetic, semantic, morphological, pragmatic and aesthetic factors, are distinctly singled out and analyzed. Moreover, the data provided by the corpus analysis have enabled us to determine the nonce status or frequency of use of the nonce words under study. The purpose and objectives determined the structure of the work, which consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, references and appendices. Chapter I lays out the theoretical dimensions of the research and provides an overview of various approaches to the understanding of new words in Western, Soviet and Armenian linguistics. This chapter also outlines the main factors (phonetic, semantic, morphological, pragmatic and aesthetic) that block the formation of words in English. A detailed account of these factors is given on the basis of modern linguistic studies. Chapter II dwells on the semantic-structural analysis of nonce words, formed through affixation (prefixation and suffixation). This chapter also studies the nonce words which were formed disregarding the rules that block and hamper the process of creating new words in English. Chapter III analyses compound nonce words from the semantic-structural point of view. Here nonce compounds, blends, abbreviations and acronyms are distinctly examined. Both Chapter II and Chapter III identify the nonce status of the words under study and reveal the cases of socialization and frequency of their occurrence based on the data provided by corpus analysis (Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), Corpus of Global Web-Based English (GloWbE)) and English monolingual dictionaries. Conclusion summarizes the findings of the research exposed in the present dissertation.