Трансформация аутентичных текстов в игровой контент на уроках РКИ в средних классах армянской школы

dc.contributor.author Кочарян Марина
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-25T11:39:12Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-25T11:39:12Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.description DOI: 10.51307/182931072015233260/21.2-158
dc.description.abstract The article introduces the use of authentic everyday situation texts for middle school students at Armenian schools. It contains specific examples of game activities for authentic texts in accordance with communicative situations and the language knowledge. The author emphasizes the entertaining nature of the post-reading tasks, which provide students with active speech practice and contribute to the development of communicative skills, as well as increase motivation. Authentic texts are presented as a tool that not only enriches the students’ background knowledge, introduces the culture of other people, but also allows them to develop skills and abilities to work with information, create their own texts and present them to the audience. The relevance of the topic is associated with the use of non-educational texts in the framework of game content for the school audience.
dc.identifier.issn 1829-3107
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.brusov.am/handle/123456789/868
dc.language.iso Russian
dc.publisher Lingva
dc.relation.ispartofseries Pedagogy and Social Sciences; 2(55)
dc.subject Pedagogy and Social Sciences
dc.title Трансформация аутентичных текстов в игровой контент на уроках РКИ в средних классах армянской школы
dc.title.alternative Transformation of authentic texts into game content in the middle years programme of the russian language teaching in Armenia
dc.type Other
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