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    Անգլերենի համացանցային նորաբանությունների բառակազմական առանձնահատկությունները
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Բարսեղյան Զորի Լեռնիկի
    The article examines some features of Internet discourse in the English language, focusing on the word-formation processes involved in creating neologisms in the field of communication technologies. The morphological analysis of Internet-related neologisms reveals that a variety of wordformation methods are employed, including affixation, compounding, blending, abbreviation, conversion, borrowing, and semantic derivation. The analysis indicates that blending, or the formation of portmanteau words, is the predominant method, accounting for 26% of the observed 180 neologisms.
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    Անգլերեն «Հագուստ» բառիմաստային խմբի լեզվամշակութային վերլուծություն
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Մուսեյան Ռուզան
    This article focuses on the linguo-cultural analysis of the lexico-semantic group "clothes" in English. Its primary aim is to examine and analyze the semantic features of the linguistic sign "clothes," including its synonymic set and distinguishing characteristics. The lexico-semantic group is considered a central concept in modern semantics and a fundamental unit within the lexical paradigm. Thw study of this group provides an insight into cultural layers and identity markers within British linguo-culture, highlighting how language reflects cultural norms, values, and social identity.
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    Сопоставительный анализ ассоциативно- семантического поля концепта “风(ветер)” в китайском и русском языках
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Дун Лин ; Чжоу Шици ; Кесарева Ольга
    The article presents an analysis of the results of an associative experiment conducted among Chinese and Russian participants in response to the stimulus word “wind.” The authors identify both similarities and differences in the associative fields of the concept “wind (风)” in the two languages, enabling an exploration of the distinctive features of the national worldviews and thought patterns of the Chinese and Russian cultures. The findings suggest that the differences in the associative fields of the concept “wind (风)” stem from the cultural and psychological characteristics of the two nations. Chinese participants demonstrate a more static and abstract approach to the concept, whereas Russian participants tend to exhibit a more dynamic and realistic perception. The results of this study have practical applications in the field of foreign language teaching and provide a foundation for further research into the comparative analysis of conceptual systems in Russian and Chinese.
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    Վ. Դավթյանի «Անխորագիր» վիպակ-էսսեի լեզվաոճական որոշ առանձնահատկություններ (ոճական կառույցներ եվ խոսքի կառուցվածքային բաղադրիչներ)
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Գևորգյան Լիլիթ
    The article aims to examine the autobiographical novella-essay "Untitled" by Vahagn Davtyan, a contemporary Armenian poet, publicist, translator, and playwright. The study explores certain linguistic aspects and features of the writer's documentary prose. Given that an author's style is one of the crucial prerequisites for the development and enrichment of their native language, and that the poetic contributions and positive influence of Vahagn Davtyan have been extensively highlighted by prominent linguists and literary critics, we have attempted to uncover some of the linguistic-stylistic and individual traits of his documentary prose. The focus is placed on the imagery system of Davtyan’s prose, highlighting the merits of Davtyan’s prose style.
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    Սլավոնական լեզուների հայերեն անունների ընդհանուր նկարագրությունը տարժամանակյա մոտեցմամբ
    (Լինգվա, 2024) Գյուրջինյան Դավիթ
    The origin of the Armenian names of the Slavic languages dates back to the period of the New Armenian language (especially the 19th century). In modern Armenian, Slavic linguonyms are usually expressed by one word. An exception is the analytical variant ռուսաց լեզու (rusats lezu) "Russian language". Previously, there was a phrase լեհաց լեզու (lehats lezu) "Polish language", which later fell out of use. Among the Slavic linguonyms there are even neologisms (բոսնիերեն (bosnieren) "Bosnian language", չեռնոգորերեն (chernogoreren) "Montenegrin language"), the formation of which is a consequence of political processes. There are also several obsolete Slavic linguonyms (մալոռուսերեն (maloruseren) "Little Russian language", վելիկոռուսերեն (velikoruseren) "Great Russian language"). A certain variability is observed in the Slavic linguonyms of the Eastern Armenian and Western Armenian languages (բուլղարերեն (bulghareren) – պուլկարերէն (pulkareren) “Bulgarian language”, սերբերեն (serberen) – սերպերէն (serperen) “Serbian language”). In general, however, Slavic linguonyms are of a pan-Armenian character. Armenian linguonyms are mainly formed from non-derivative stems (լեհերեն (leheren) “Polish language”, ռուսերեն (ruseren) “Russian language”, խորվաթերեն (khorvateren) “Croatian language”, չեխերեն (chekheren) “Czech language”, սերբերեն (serberen) “Serbian language”, սլովակերեն (slovakeren) “Slovak language”, սլովեներեն (sloveneren) 90 “Slovenian language”, etc.). There are also linguonyms formed from derivative stems (including the suffix -ացի (-atsi)): ուկրաիներեն (ukraineren) "Ukrainian language" < ուկրաինացի (ukrainatsi ) "Ukrainian", մակեդոներեն (makedoneren) "Macedonian language" < մակեդոնացի (makedonatsi) "Macedonian". In the current period of development of the Armenian language, Slavic linguonyms are characterized by a certain functional stability and a low degree of variability. Armenian names of Slavic languages function as vocables in various dictionaries of the Armenian language. Some of them, however (mostly neologisms), are still not recorded in dictionaries, but are used in scientific and official speech.