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Item«Скорпионовский выводок» в кривом зеркале московских газет начала XX века (1900–1903)(Лингва, 2024)The two-volume biographical index «Russian Writers of the Early XX Century on the Pages of newspapers» published in 2019 by Dom Pashkov Publishing House motivates to study newspaper’s publications. The article considers topics and the circle of authors of the newspaper articles about the early period of publishing house «Scorpion».
ItemЭдгар Аллан По и проза Георгия Чулкова в культурно-историческом контексте Серебряного века(Лингва, 2024)The article addresses the main aspects of the impact of Edgar Allan Poe’s aesthetics and poetics on the works of Russian symbolists. An important place in the article is occupied by the comparative analysis of the stories of the «younger symbolist» Georgy Chulkov, which reveal a significant influence of the American romanticist and are often disregarded by the researchers of this period.
ItemАнтичные сюжеты в ранних драматических отрывках В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2024)The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the interpretation of ancient plots in the early dramatic passages by V. Brusov. The author of the article concludes that Brusov is primarily interested in the psychological motives of the characters’ actions; for this purpose, he creates certain, often fictitious situations in which these motives can be manifested. Ancient characters, both historical and literary, are of great interest to Brusov as exceptional individuals in their human manifestations, and this interest can be observed in his further works.
ItemСонеты о Лермонтове: Брюсов, Бальмонт и Северянин(Лингва, 2024)The article examines poetic portraits, silhouettes and medallions, made in the genre-strophic form of a sonnet, in which the image of poet M. Lermontov. V. Brusov, K. Balmont and I. Severyanin turned to these genres most successfully. A comparative analysis of the image of Lermontov in their sonnets demonstrated both a common dominant principle — an orientation towards the mythologeme of the Demon, and the originality of the idiostyles of such different poets.
ItemСонеты в составе стихотворных сборников В.Я. Брюсова «Juvenilia» и «Chefs-d’oeuvre»(Лингва, 2024)The article is devoted to an important theoretical problem of the distribution of Valery Brusov’s sonnets in sixteen of his poetry books. In this particular case, two debut editions of the poet «Juvenilia» and «Chefs-d’oeuvre» are being investigated. It turns out that sonnets mostly occupy the most active positions in them at the beginning or end of collections as a whole, or the cycles composing them. The revealed pattern is confirmed by the table given in the Appendix, which records the location of all 94 sonnets of the poet.