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ItemАнтропоморфные метафоры и сравнения в поэзии В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Petrova ZoyaThe paper provides a semantic classification of tenors and vehicles of personifying tropes by V. Brusov. The author analyzes the ways of renewing the traditional tropes by the poet and emphasizes the relevance of personification in V. Brusov’s poetry with semantic dominants of his typical idiostyle.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Лингва, 2018)V. Brusov penned several researches on the Armenian history. «The Chronicle of the Historical Fate of the Armenian Peoplе» (from the VI century BC up to Our Times) » is the crystallization and climax of his research. V. Brusov authored his study in November 1916, yet it was published in 1918, by the Armenian Committee of Moscow. «The Chronicle» comprises 124 pages, has also segments «From the Author» – «Introduction», nine chapters, «Notes», «Bibliography». Publicizing his research V. Brusov pursued a set of goals, in particular, to introduce the rich heroic history of the Armenian people to the foreign, primarily to the Russian readers with his unbiased academic approach, to show its place and role in the human history. He presented Armenian history as interrelated to the cultural process, and succeeded in offering a broad perspective on studying the Armenian history.
ItemБрюсовский текст в сборнике «Первые встречи» Мариэтты Шагинян(Лингва, 2018) Zulumyan BurastanThe paper analyzes the initial period of Marietta Shaginyan’s life and literary activities, the issues referring to the poetic course of «The First Meetings» poetry collection (1909), its originality and imitativeness, the influence of works by Valery Bryusov and Zinaida Gippius. The reminiscences from «Urbi et Orbi» by V. Brusov, the composition of the collection «The First Meetings» have also been considered.
ItemВ. Брюсов И О. Мандельштам о поэзии Армении: лингвокогнитивный аспект(Лингва, 2018) Vitkovskaya Leokadiya ; Golovchenko IgorThe paper focuses on historical and literary issues referring to the development of Russian-Armenian relations, related to creative activities of V. Brusov and O. Mandelstam, and to their research of Armenian poetry’s linguo-cognitive peculiarities.
ItemЕврейская антология В. Брюсова (проект, состав, авторы)(Лингва, 2018) Gevorgyan ArmenThe paper explores the history of creation of the book «The Jewish Anthology». V. Brusov edited and translated a number of works for the Anthology. Preparatory work had been finalized, however, as the social and political situation changed in Russia in the early XX century, the collection remained unpublished. The translations made for the Anthology were partially included in the «Safrut» edition published in 1918.
ItemЖанрообразующая функция любовной интриги в драматургических произведениях В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Strashkova OlgaLove intrigue in V. Brusov’s plays included in the edition «Valery Brusov. Drama» (2016) is unfolding on the level of rationally oriented relationship, sincere feeling, love game and passion. The types of love dialogues in late XIX-early XX centuries (1890-1920) become more complicated, thus enriching emotional shades and giving additional connotation to the genre definition.
ItemИдиомы и ориентационные лексические метафоры в творчестве В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Dronov PavelThe paper deals with V. Brusov’s use of idioms, collocations, gesture nominations, as well as the original phrases coined by the author. Emphasis is put on somatic idioms and orientation metaphors. The Russian National Corpus shows that while the author tends to use idioms and collocations in his prose more frequently, it is poetry where he modifies them. In the conclusion, the paper provides an explanation to this based on both phraseology and literature studies.
ItemИз заметок о стихах В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Bogomolov NikolayThe author of the paper analyzes a number of poems by V. Brusov, published antemortem and postmortem, and shares his reflection and conclusions. The matter concerns, in particular, «a reply to acmeists», «a mystery of “A Fatal Row ”», and «Verea».
ItemИрония как метод познания в художественной философии В. Брюсова («TERTIA VIGILIA», «URBI ET ORBI»)(Лингва, 2018) Ivanova IrinaThe paper deals with the epistemological mechanism of symbolist irony in V. Brusov’s collections of verses «Tertia Vigilia» and «Urbi et Orbi». The poet’s aesthetic and philosophic relativism reveals the Russian modernist tendencies that would later crystallize in the Russian postmodernist aesthetic framework.
ItemКонцепция античности в творчестве В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Khachatryan NataliaThe paper is devoted to the concept of antiquity in V. Brusov’s works. It reveals the influence of the prevailing philosophical theories of the late XIX-early XX centuries on V. Brusov’s prose and poetry, defines the main aesthetic features of his works devoted to antiquity (historicism, subjectivity, synthesis of past and present, realism, elitism, etc). The analysis allows the author of the paper to define V. Brusov’s concept of antiquity as neo-romantic.
Item«Любимец Афродиты»: образ диктатора в стихотворении В.Я. Брюсова «Сулла»(Лингва, 2018) Pokachalov MaximThe paper views the peculiarities of V. Brusovʼs creative perception of the personality of Sulla, the ancient Roman dictator. On the material of the correspondent poem the author analyzes the character traits and features of policy pursued by Sulla. The paper substantiates the poetʼs research interest to the hero and his historical doings.
ItemМотив стихий в стихотворениях В. Брюсова о мифических волшебницах и прорицательницах(Лингва, 2018) Gozdek AgnieszkaТwo poems by Valery Brusov «Amalthea» and «Circe» analized in the paper. The aim of interpretation is to prove that addressing mythical prophetesses and motives of the elements in both texts, the poet meant to express his viewpoint cocnerning the essence and function of poetry.
ItemО «Футуризме» В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Akhsakhalyan AlexandreV. Brusov gave close scrutiny to the Futurists from the very moment they had begun publishing. From 1911 on, he wrote a series of articles, which reveal the evolution of his perception: from negating Futurism he passed on to establishing links between Futurism and Symbolism. The issue of influence of Futurism on V. Brusov brings out the complexity of correlation between the two movements.
article.listelement.badgeО книге В.Брюсова «Летопись исторических судеб армянского народа»(Лингва, 2018) Zakaryan AnushavanV. Brusov penned several researches on the Armenian history. «The Chronicle of the Historical Fate of the Armenian Peoplе» (from the VI century BC up to Our Times) » is the crystallization and climax of his research. V. Brusov authored his study in November 1916, yet it was published in 1918, by the Armenian Committee of Moscow. «The Chronicle» comprises 124 pages, has also segments «From the Author» – «Introduction», nine chapters, «Notes», «Bibliography». Publicizing his research V. Brusov pursued a set of goals, in particular, to introduce the rich heroic history of the Armenian people to the foreign, primarily to the Russian readers with his unbiased academic approach, to show its place and role in the human history. He presented Armenian history as interrelated to the cultural process, and succeeded in offering a broad perspective on studying the Armenian history.
ItemОбраз страшного суда в творчестве В. Брюсова: истоки и воплощение(Лингва, 2018) Skorokhodov MaximThe paper discusses the main sources of the Last Judgment’s notion in the works by V. Brusov, who learned about this term at the gymnasium, during the lessons on the Law of God. Its urgency was promoted by the fact that V. Brusov knew the iconographic embodiments of the notion, and read the academic literature, the works by his predecessors and contemporaries, who had often referred to the Last Judgment concept. The paper’s author analyzed the texts, where the poet had most clearly revealed the Last Judgment notion
ItemОсобенности хронотопа в романе В. Брюсова «Юпитер поверженный»(Лингва, 2018) Gulanyan KarineV. Brusov shows the theme of pagan Rome decline in the novel «Jupiter Fallen» with the help of the chronotope. Time and space, which are important for paganism, are presented as decayed, but Christian churches are capable of being restored after a short disgrace.
ItemОфелия и Лаэрт как лирические герои В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Fedotov OlegThe paper deals with V. Brusov’s poems inspired by «Hamlet», a tragedy by W. Shakespeare. V. Brusov’s lyrical heroes impersonate Shakespearean characters. V. Brusov and A. Bely controversy over literature issues is also considered, since it can clear up V. Brusov’s perception of the great tragedy, in particular, the reasons why he chose not worthy characters of the tragedy as his lyrical alter ego.
ItemПо поводу брюсовского перевода «Дон Жуана» Дж. Байрона(Лингва, 2018) Bejanyan KristineThe paper deals with V. Brusov’s translation of a fragment of «Don Juan», a poem by George Gordon Byron, into Russian. The analysis of the strophic and rhythmical constructions, as well as their expression in the Russian translation are presented in the paper. The author of the paper estimates the different variations of the translation discovered in the poet’s manuscripts and their expression in the translation.
ItemПоэтика балладного жеста: специфика брюсовских экфрасисов(Лингва, 2018) Kravchenko OxanaThe paper focuses on the specific nature of V. Brusov’s picturesque, displayed in the author’s historical ballads. Specific principles of poetic image creation, typical for spatial arts, have been outlined in the paper. The author concludes that V. Brusov’s ballad ecphrasis does not reproduce the artifact but creates an emblem of history development.
ItemПредметный мир в военных корреспонденциях В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Danielyan ElmiraThe paper deals with V. Brusov’s experience as a war correspondent during World War I. The author considers V.Brusov’s depiction of the combatants’ portraits, clothing, their conversations, as well as the surrounding world and the local residents’ livelihood.