Сопоставительный анализ ассоциативно- семантического поля концепта “风(ветер)” в китайском и русском языках
Сопоставительный анализ ассоциативно- семантического поля концепта “风(ветер)” в китайском и русском языках
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Дун Лин
Чжоу Шици
Кесарева Ольга
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The article presents an analysis of the results of an associative experiment conducted among Chinese and Russian participants in response to the stimulus word “wind.” The authors identify both similarities and differences in the associative fields of the concept “wind (风)” in the two languages, enabling an exploration of the distinctive features of the national worldviews
and thought patterns of the Chinese and Russian cultures. The findings suggest that the differences in the associative fields of the concept “wind (风)” stem from the cultural and psychological characteristics of the two nations. Chinese participants demonstrate a more static and abstract approach to the concept, whereas Russian participants tend to exhibit a more dynamic and realistic perception. The results of this study have practical applications in the field of foreign language teaching and provide a foundation for further research into the comparative analysis of conceptual systems in Russian and Chinese.
DOI: 10.51307/18293107/laph/24.70-91