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This article discusses the role and meaning of proper nouns in picaresque novels. It is of particular interest that in the course of time proper nouns (anthroponyms and toponyms) grow out of their designative function into that of symbolic. The use of epithets is also covered in this study. It has been observed that the proper names, initially unmotivated, alter their meaning and become motivated, obtaining socio-historical function.
The article studies the choice of surnames among others. In picaresque novels, the surname describes the one who bears the surname, provides information about their occupation and activities, as well as the ancestral and family peculiarities. They usually carry satire and irony referring to the ancestral origin of the character. The titles of picaresque novels have also been scrutinised since they tend to contain proper names which is influenced by literary works created in Baroque period where each symbol was semantically saturated. The general meaning of the titles is also included in the microconcept of picaresque novels.
DOI: 10.51307/18293107/laph/22.60-45
Linguistics and Philology