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    Ինովացիոն գործընթացները բարձրագույն կրթության կառավարման համակարգում
    (Lingva, 2022) Berberyan Valter
    In the 21st century, the impact of innovations on society and the development of various fields is enormous. It is essential in the educational system, particularly in the higher education. The purpose of this article is to study the role of innovation processes in the higher educationmanagement system, to analyze provisions on innovations, higher education management system, topresent the approaches of various researches, to highlight the specifics of the highereducation management.
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    Բուհերում կազմակերպական մշակույթի ազդեցությունը ինստիտուցիոնալ գիտելիքի կառավարման գործընթացների վրա
    (Lingva, 2022) Makaryan Mariam
    The current article puts forward the relationship and interaction between institutional knowledge management and organizational culture at universities. Institutional knowledge of universities is one of the key factors having strategic importance, the management of which contributes to the development of institutional capacities and promotes gaining competitive advantage. Effective management of institutional knowledge at universities is based on strong organizational culture. This article also discusses the four main types of organizational culture (clan, adhocracy, hierarchy and market cultures), among which the clan culture, has the greatest impact on the institutional knowledge management. The universities having clan culture encourage innovation and creativity, problem solving, decision making and change management, as well as apply combined traditional and strategic approaches to management.
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    «Մասնագիտական կարողունակություն» հասկացության սահմանումների եվ բաղադրիչների համեմատական վերլուծություն
    (Lingva, 2022) Soghikyan Tatevik
    This article presents the evolution of the “professional competence” concept, based on its definitions ranging from references to pure knowledge to the ones that consider personal qualities and professional reflection. Properly formulated competence descriptors serve as an interface between education and sectoral industries, hence predetermining their interrelations. Hereby, this article also contains an analysis of the definitions, circulating in the field literature, at the same time identifying the components of this concept that is widely used in higher education. These components may serve as a basis for the 75 identification of teaching and learning content in higher education. It should be noted that the analysis of the reviewed definitions highlighted the “personal qualities” component, containing a number of subjective factors which should also be prioritized in professional education.
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    Գերմաներեն բանավոր խոսքից ակնկալվող վերջնարդյունքների հաղորդակցական-գործառական առանձնահատկությունների շուրջ
    (Lingva, 2022) Soghomonyan Lusine
    The article deals with the communicative-functional characteristics of the learning outcomes of German oral speech at the A2 language level, which are put forward on the basis of a combination of the learning outcomes set out in the 130 new state general educational standard of foreign languages and the revised version of the CEFR. The role of the foreign language communicative competence in the process of mastering situational oral speech is especially emphasized. As a result, speech skills that need to be mastered in relation to the components of communicative competence, are revealed and coordinated, expressed in lexical-grammatical, phonetic and general cultural aspects with content-functional potential. From this point of view, the consideration of the learning outcomes provides students with an understanding and assimilation of a holistic picture of the speaking content.