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    Անձնայինի և վերանձնայինի երկվությունը հայկական էթնոհոգեբանական ավանդույթներում
    (Lingva, 2021) Դեմիրճյան Մովսես
    The article examines two levels of thinking and human activity - personal and transpersonal. It is argued, that for personal activity "everyday life" is the most favorable, and the more it is rooted in the socio-cultural model of life of a given society, the more it affects other types of relations and spheres of social life - economy, politics, upbringing, education, etc. The transpersonal is formed in the human psyche on the basis of the personal as a necessary requirement for further development. But when the transpersonal does not come naturally from the personal and is not the result of its development, then it (transpersonal) is artificially implanted from the outside through upbringing, education or ideology. In this case, in the mental system of the individual, the personal, figuratively speaking, is oppressed, limited by the transpersonal (national, religious, moral or other ideas and phenomena), which ultimately can lead to deindividualization of a person. This tendency is peculiarly expressed in the ethnopsychology of the Armenians, which was formed in many respects in a foreign cultural environment and, as a result, became a "hostage" of the narrowest sphere of human being - everyday life. It is the most favorable for the personal level of thinking and human activity, which can explain individualism and the collectivism in the ethnopsychology of the Armenians, which does not go beyond the framework of everyday - family, friendship - relations. For further transpersonal development of a person a qualitative transition in thinking from ideology to worldview, from dogmatism to critical rationalism is required, which is almost impossible within the framework of the dominant everyday social and cultural model of life organization. This means that the dominant everyday relations are transferred to many spheres of social life - politics, economics, education, etc., and the vacuum in the transpersonal sphere of the human psyche in the process of upbringing, education and socialization is filled with some historical, national, religious and other narratives, that have little meaningful connection with the everyday life and, in total, depress, limit the personal development of a person.
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    Անջելա Քարթերի «Գիշերները կրկեսում» վեպի մեթոդաբանական և գաղափարական առանձնահատկությունները
    (Lingva, 2021) Ասլանյան Անի
    The article introduces the novel “Nights at the circus” by the late 20th century English novelist, short story writer Angela Carter. The article analyses the narrative style, metamorphoses and the issues of feminism in the novel, by emphasizing traditional elements of Magical Realism. It attempts to show the methodological and ideological features of the novel.
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    Կրավորական սեռի մեղմասութային կիրառումը քաղաքական խոսույթում
    (Lingva, 2021) Ստեփանյան Սյուզաննա
    Modern political discourse is abundant in politically correct language which is often actualized through the subtle use of passive voice. The given article analyses the euphemistic functions the passive voice performs in political discourse. The euphemistic use of passive voice is relatively common in the discourse of American politicians. Hence, most of the examples analysed in the study were extracted from American news articles involving quotes by American politicians. Basic euphemistic functions of passive voice such as the misleading and obfuscating, information distorting, self-promoting and desirable public image shaping functions were outlined in the article.