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ItemАнтичные сюжеты в ранних драматических отрывках В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2024) Хачатрян Н.М.The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the interpretation of ancient plots in the early dramatic passages by V. Brusov. The author of the article concludes that Brusov is primarily interested in the psychological motives of the characters’ actions; for this purpose, he creates certain, often fictitious situations in which these motives can be manifested. Ancient characters, both historical and literary, are of great interest to Brusov as exceptional individuals in their human manifestations, and this interest can be observed in his further works.
ItemАнтропоморфные метафоры и сравнения в поэзии В. Брюсова(Лингва, 2018) Petrova ZoyaThe paper provides a semantic classification of tenors and vehicles of personifying tropes by V. Brusov. The author analyzes the ways of renewing the traditional tropes by the poet and emphasizes the relevance of personification in V. Brusov’s poetry with semantic dominants of his typical idiostyle.
ItemБрюсов и журнал «Русское богатство»(Лингва, 2024) Строганов М.В.In reviews of Brusov’s books in the magazine «Russian Wealth», the general concept is clearly maintained: Brusov is an undisputed expert and master, but the motives of his literary behavior are very doubtful. Brusov rejected the literary platform of «Russian Wealth» as unpromising.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Лингва, 2018)V. Brusov penned several researches on the Armenian history. «The Chronicle of the Historical Fate of the Armenian Peoplе» (from the VI century BC up to Our Times) » is the crystallization and climax of his research. V. Brusov authored his study in November 1916, yet it was published in 1918, by the Armenian Committee of Moscow. «The Chronicle» comprises 124 pages, has also segments «From the Author» – «Introduction», nine chapters, «Notes», «Bibliography». Publicizing his research V. Brusov pursued a set of goals, in particular, to introduce the rich heroic history of the Armenian people to the foreign, primarily to the Russian readers with his unbiased academic approach, to show its place and role in the human history. He presented Armenian history as interrelated to the cultural process, and succeeded in offering a broad perspective on studying the Armenian history.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Лингва, 2010)XIV academic conference «Brusov Readings» was held in Yerevan in October, 2010, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Yerevan State Linguistic University after V.Brusov. As usual, the «geography» of conference participants was wide. The specialists from Yerevan, Moscow, Novosibirsk, and Tokyo participated in the conference activities. The XIV conference was marked by a relatively less number of studies referring directly to V.Brusov’s creative activities, while giving more emphasis to the issues of intercultural dialogues and Brusov’s links with the prominent representatives of world literature and culture. It should be noted that the authors of submitted papers included into the almanac «Brusov Readings» covered a wide range of issues, e.g., the works referring to V.Brusov creative activities’ study in a meta-poetic aspect. V.Brusov’s heritage in translations is represented by the papers considering his translations of an ancient Greek poet Solon, the English romantic poet P.Shelly, and Armenian poets. The cultural aspect of V.Brusov studies is represented by the works considering his interest in the Russian history and Russian folklore, as well as in the world culture, specifically, V.Brusov’s views with regard to Atlantis, to the cultural events taking place in Paris at that time, and of cinematography – a new branch of art by that time. The articles on the subjects that had not been addressed in previous almanacs were also included in «Brusov Readings-2010», namely, on folklore in V.Brusov’s perception, the subject of science and a scientist’s image, the image of «East» in V.Brusov’s poetry, et al. The works concerning his poetry were included in the section «Brusov in the Context of the Dialogue of Cultures», specifically, «Brusov and Cinematography», «Paris Performances Estimated by Brusov», «The Northern World in His Poetry», as well as translations from J.W.Goethe, Solon, P.Duryan, P.Shelly (in Russian and Armenian translations). The reader can also widen his knowledge on the history of creation of the anthology «The Poetry of Armenia», the personality of Piotr Bartenev, and even of the unique features of V.Brusov’s Studio at the Literature Museum. The publications are quite manifold, in particular, V.Brusov’s correspondence, his unfinished novel entitled «Japhetic», as well as an essay on M.Lomonosov, and memories of V.Brusov. The almanac introduces the anthology «Historical Armenian Prose and Poetry (V – XVIII centuries) » published in Yerevan in 2009 (ed. N.P.Seyranyan, scientific editor S.T.Zolyan), which followed V.Brusov’s draft project.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Лингва, 2013)The jubilee academic conference «Brusov Readings» was held in Moscow on December 11-13, 2013, to celebrate V.Brusov’s 140th anniversary. The conference was initiated by the Yerevan University of Languages and Social Sciences after V.Brusov together with Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Literature Museum’s Department «The Museum of Literature of Silver Age» (V.Ya.Brusov’s House). Over 50 participants from 10 countries (Armenia, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania, the U.S., Japan, Poland, Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary) submitted their reports. The participants were very emotional in their speeches, hence, the reports often turned into academic discussions. The reports of the present participants, as well as of those who participated in correspondence, were included in the almanac «Brusov Readings-2013», which differs from previous publications. The almanac opens with S.Kormilov’s report on the essence of all Yerevan almanacs entitled «Brusov Readings». The observations on V.Brusov’s poetry, a new vision of his novels and dramas should be mentioned among the numerous works concerning V.Brusov’s creative activities. Moreover, his war correspondence (1914-1915) was for the first time introduced in the collection of «Brusov Readings-2013». V.Brusov’s private and creative relations with the «fellow writers» were always of certain interest for the specialists in Brusov’s heritage. His relations with Nina Petrovskaya, Konstantin Balmont, Sergey Auslender, and many others were newly interpreted by the authors of the almanac. The reader will get new information on the issues concerning the poet’s relations with K.Nekrasov’s Publishing House in Yaroslavl and his correspondence with Johanna Matveevna in 1914-1915. V.Brusov’s art of translation was always crucial for the specialists in his creative activities; however, his translations of some verses into English and Armenian were for the first time introduced to scientific audience. The presentation of V.Brusov’s views and attitudes towards the world culture were compared with the perceptions of Osip Mandelshtam, Edgar Poe, and Charles Baudlier – a noteworthy event. Unknown materials were presented by N.Zhilyakova; V.Molodyakov’s paper was devoted to the consideration of V.Brusov’s dedicatory inscriptions on his books. V.Brusov’s correspondence with M.Gershenzon, V.Manuilov, his unpublished prose (T.Shuran) was included in «Publications» section. Hand-written materials created by V.Brusov at the earliest stage of his career, taken from the archive fund of «Brusov Science Center», were first introduced in the almanac. XV anniversary academic conference «Brusov Readings» summarized the fifty years of fundamental academic work and outlined the urgent issues referring to the development of V.Brusov studies in the XXI century.
ItemБрюсовские чтения( 1963)The academic conference «Brusov Readings-1963» held in Yerevan in 1963 indicated the success of Brusov’s creative activities’ studies in Armenia. The conference was initiated by the Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute after V.Brusov, M.Abeghyan Institute of Literature and the Yerevan State University. As compared with the first «Brusov Readings» in 1962, the number of participating specialists had a significant increase, along with the circle of newly outlined urgent issues subject to investigation. The academicians from Armenia, other republics of the Soviet Union, and foreign specialists participated at the second «Brusov Readings». The «geography» of participants varied from Moscow to Sofia, Riga and Yerevan, Leningrad and other cities. The academicians from Russian towns, which used to be considered as «provincials», also took part. The conference materials were included into the almanac «Brusov Readings-1963» published in Yerevan in 1964. The list of authors of submitted papers included among others the names of T.Hakhumyan, Z.Yasinskaya, V.Rogov, P.Berkov, K.Grigoryan, S.Postupalsky. Materials, that had not been published previously, were included into the almanac. Along with other issues, special attention was paid to the translations made by V.Brusov, his links with the representatives of various literary trends, and his attitude towards renowned Russian and Western European belle-lettrists – A.Pushkin, F.Tyutchev, L.Tolstoy, Bulgarian and Latvian writers, et al. A preface to the story «A Trip to Mars», the summaries of the lectures on A.Pushkin, a program of studies of old Moscow life were published for the first time in this almanac. «Brusov Readings-1963» coincided with the celebration of V.Brusov’s 90th anniversary, which was also solemnly celebrated in the Soviet Armenia. The publication of the books «The Poetry of Armenia. Translated and Evaluated by Valery Brusov», «Valery Brusov. On Armenia and Armenian Culture: Verses, Articles, Letters», «Brusov Readings-1962», as well as a brochure on Valery Brusov’s life and creative activities was specially organized for that significant date. The «Knowledge» Publishing House initiated the publication of A.Margaryan’s brochure (in Armenian) entitled «Valery Brusov». V.Brusov’s 90th anniversary was solemnly celebrated at the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Yerevan and at the Writers’ Union of Armenia. The nation-wide celebration of V.Brusov’s jubilee and the publication of his books are witnessing the great respect and gratitude of the Armenian people to V.Brusov for his efforts on promotion of the Armenian culture worldwide.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Армгосиздат, 1962)On December 13-15, 1962, the first academic conference «Brusov Readings» was held in Yerevan, initiated by the Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages after Valery Brusov. Since then, the conference has been held regularly, with the participation of the renowned specialists on Brusov’s creativity. It is also noteworthy that on the same year the Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages was renamed into the Yerevan Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages after Valery Brusov. The Brusov Readings were marked by the publication of the fundamental academic almanacs. The conference stimulated the propaganda and popularization of the prominent poet’s creative heritage. According to academician P.N.Berkov, «We are indebted to Brusov, since so far we have not published a complete collection of his works». Johanna Brusova, the poet’s widow, was enthusiastic about the Yerevan conference with participation of prominent specialists on Brusov’s creativity and on the assigning of his name to the Institute. The Union of the Soviet Writers sent a cordial greeting noting that Yerevan would become a center for studies in Brusov’s creative heritage. Alexander Brusov, the poet’s brother, was the honorary guest of the conference. In his report he presented numerous interesting facts concerning Valery Brusov’s life and creative activities. The reports presented at 1962 «Brusov Readings» referred to the issues concerning Brusov’s poetry and prose, his translations, artistic skills, et al. The Armenian academic and educational intuitions that had initiated the conference took on a responsibility of turning Yerevan into the centre of Brusov studies, and the establishment of a study room for Brusov’s poetic heritage at the Yerevan Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages after Valery Brusov shall be considered as a tribute to the poet’s creativity. It should be noted that the valuable scientific and bibliographic data have been collected here. The materials of the first «Brusov Readings» were included into the almanac «Brusov Readings 1962» published in Yerevan in 1963. The authors of the included papers thoroughly examined V.Brusov’s ties and links with the renowned writers and poets from various countries: E.Verhaeren, M.Gorky, I.Bunin, P.Makintsyan, et al. A number of Brusov’s unknown works were also included into the almanac: the article entitled «Our Future», lectures on A.Pushkin, unknown autographs and letters. The first «Brusov Readings» initiated a long-term interest towards comprehensive studies of Brusov’s creative heritage.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(АЙАСТАН, 1971)The fourth academic conference «Brusov Readings» was held at the Great Hall of the Moscow State Museum of Literature on January 20-23, 1971, initiated by the Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute after V.Brusov, State Literature Museum and Moscow State Pedagogical Institute after V.Lenin. The growing interest towards the traditional conference «Brusov Readings» witnesses the significance of this conference initiated in Yerevan and previously being held there three times. The delegates from Leningrad, Yerevan, Odessa, Tbilisi, Stavropol and Tartu participated in this academic conference. Numerous young specialists took part in the conference submitting interesting reports. The materials of the conference were included into the almanac «Brusov Readings-1971» published in Yerevan in 1973. The book includes the reports referring to the poet’s science fiction heritage (K.Gerasimov, M.Vasilyev), his creative process over the novel «The Fiery Angel» (S.Grechishkin, A.Lavrov), and some presentations discussing V.Brusov’s theoretical works(T.Anchugova). It is worth note that some of V.Brusov’s works which had not been published previously were also considered during the academic conference, e.g., V.Brusov’s drama «Bertrada», his works on antique history and culture, the articles from English magazine, et al. The specialists revealed a keen interest towards V.Brusov’s translations into and from multiple languages: thus, the participants of the conference discussed V.Brusov’s translations from the Lithuanian and Armenian poetry. In part, they paid special attention to V.Brusov’s translations from «Grabar» (Ancient Armenian) and Western Armenian. The fourth «Brusov readings» evidenced the conference’s progress towards a new higher level. Nevertheless, the participants underlined the need for widening its theoretical basis, specifically, for a more comprehensive analysis of V.Brusov’s creative heritage as a prominent and multi-skilled translator, writer and poet. Upon completion of the academic conference, the participants visited the apartment where the poet had lived and worked the last years of his life, and took part in the opening ceremony of V.Brusov’s memorial Studio which was held there. A.Chudetskaya, the Director of the Studio, presented the work being newly discovered by the staff of the Memorial Studio.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(СОВЕТАКАН ГРОХ, 1973)In 1973, the belles-lettres public of the Soviet Union celebrated Valery Brusov’s 100th anniversary. The numerous papers on V.Brusov studies were published in magazines and newspapers, thus witnessing the growing interest towards the creative activities of one of the most outstanding representatives of the XX century Russian literature. During that year, significant materials referring to V.Brusov’s 100th anniversary were published in the Armenian and Russian newspapers and magazines. In particular, «Fiction» Publishing House issued the first two volumes of a seven-volume collection of V.Brusov’s works. A number of research works on V.Brusov’s life and creativity were also published in the same year, in particular, «Brusov on the Russian Poets of XIX Century» by V.Tikhancheva, «The Poetry of V.Brusov» by S.Gindin, and «The Russian Literature of XX Century» by a number of authors. Also, the almanac «The Poetry of Armenia» was reedited. Within the frames of celebrating V.Brusov’s jubilee, The Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages after V.Brusov, the Yerevan State University and the USSR State Museum of Literature jointly held on December 13–15, 1973, an academic conference in Yerevan. The reports presented at the conference witnessed a detailed approach and the high level of studies on V.Brusov’s heritage. According to S.Postupalsky, V.Brusov studies should be considered as a successful branch of literary criticism. The authors of the reports paid particular attention to peculiar artistic characteristics of V.Brusov’s works and endeavored to reveal the conciseness of his poetic forms, as well as to consider the issues referring to his poetic innovation. Of particular interest are the papers submitted by S.Narovchatov, M.Gasparov, I.Ilyev, E.Litvin, included into the section «The Issues of Valery Brusov’s Creative Activities» of the almanac «Brusov Readings-1973». Numerous works, which had not been previously published, were included into this section. The authors of these papers considered V.Brusov’s interrelations with the Russian and foreign, in particular, Lithuanian and Moldavian, lyric poetry. A perfect completion of the book are the recollections of A.Chudetskaya and Shik, who presented the materials from Shik’s archive. The almanac «Brusov Readings-1973», published in Yerevan in 1976, significantly contributed to the study of creative activities of Valery Brusov – a prominent Russian poet, translator and critic. In addition, the jubilee celebrations were held in Armenia and Russia. A solemn meeting of the representatives of the Yerevan community, dedicated to the poet’s 100th anniversary, took place in Yerevan, at the State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A.Spendiarov. The information concerning the celebrations held in the USSR cities was published in «Literary Newspaper».
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Лингва, 2002)«Brusov Readings» held in 2002 were dedicated to 40th anniversary of assignment of V.Brusov’s name to the Yerevan State Linguistic University, the establishment of a Cabinet of V.Brusov’s creative heritage, and conducting of the first academic conference entitled «Brusov Readings». The prominent specialists on V.Brusov’s studies from Moscow, St.Petersburg, Stavropol and Tbilisi, as well as from Guimri, Vanadzor and Stepanakert participated in the conference. Once more, the conference confirmed fact that the poet’s creative heritage, its level and versatility were inexhaustible. Even the well-known topic «Brusov and Armenia» gained a new content. The academics also addressed the issues referring to translation studies in integrity. The welcome message of the representatives of the Department of Philology of Moscow State University said, in part: «Brusov’s outstanding services to Russia and Armenia are obvious, yet the propaganda of his heritage is also highly important. Your university deserves the title of ‘’Valery Brusov University’’». The reports presented in the course of the conference were included into the almanac «Brusov Readings-2002» published in Yerevan in 2004. The participants addressed to the comprehension of V.Brusov’s works («The Altar of Victory», «Jupiter the Prostrate»), his short stories and novels, the peculiarities of the poet’s theoretical attitude towards the theater, as well as an analysis of gender issues. The discourse on the criteria of «keeping abreast with time» in the poet’s works, on his ways of depicting the Russian life style, as well as on scriptural motifs in Brusov’s sonnets, is really noteworthy. The comparison of the poet’s works with the masterpieces of the outstanding representatives of world culture such as Victor Hugo, Vladimir Nabokov, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, George Byron, Thomas Moore, Nikolay Gumilev and others lead to unusual derivations. The section «Publications» is quite cognitive. The materials taken from V.Brusov’s archive were presented in this section for the first time, specifically, «An Open Letter», the address to young poets, the verses published under different names (e.g., R.Shcherbakov) that had not been identified at the time, the articles on G.Derzhavin, which had not been published earlier, as well as «The Future of Balkan Peninsula», a drama «The Origins of Aid», a number of lectures on Russian literature of XIX century. Each new volume of «Brusov Readings» reveals the fact that numerous materials kept in V. Brusov’s archive, are still waiting for their publication.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Лингва, 2006)The academic conference «Brusov Readings» conducted in 2006 was dedicated to 90th anniversary of the publication of the anthology «The Poetry of Armenia». The conference was organized within the framework of «The Year of Armenia in Russia» in autumn of 2006 at the Russian State University for the Humanities and Ryazan State University named for S.Yesenin. It was not the first away conference, since in 1971 «Brusov Readings» had been conducted in Moscow and in 1989 and 1994 in Stavropol, yet it was equally productive, since high-level academics from major literary centers of Russia and Armenia participated in the academic gathering and considered a wide range of subjects and issues. Addressing the audience at the solemn opening of XIII Brusov Readings in Moscow, Y.Pivovarov and S.Zolyan, the rectors of the co-sponsor universities (Russian State University for the Humanities and Yerevan State Linguistic University), outlined the forum’s wide cultural aspect and underscored that it was focused on present-day realities. The academics from Moscow, Yerevan, Tokyo, Stavropol, Tula and Perm had a fresh new vision of still unknown issues referring to Brusov’s creative activities. They were selective in addressing the issues and offered new angles of consideration of the poet’s illimitable creative heritage. The reports presented at the academic conference were included in the almanac «Brusov Readings 2006» published in Yerevan in 2007. The authors of the articles considered the peculiarities of Brusov’s creative personality’s shaping, originality of his poetic symbols, the issues referring to lyrical poems. They were also the first to suggest that Brusov should be considered at the origin of the Russian poetic vanguard. The following issues were discussed as well: Brusov as a critic, a playwright and a theater reviewer, the way Brusov depicted nature in his works, in part, by merging nature and history. The academics also focused on Brusov’s translations, in particular, the translations of French poetry of XVIII century, English poetry, Armenian epos, and of Edgar Poe’s works. Considerations of the poet’s translations into Armenian are also noteworthy. As for originally published materials, we would like to mention a short story entitled «A Passage», B.Pogorelova’s (Runt’s) memories of Konstantin Balmont, Brusov’s correspondence with N.Krasheninnikov, the reviews of Krasheninnikov’s «Nero» drama, the notes on syllabus in the Russian literature for a secondary school, the project «The Academy of Poetry», etc.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Лингва, 1996)The academic conference «Brusov Readings» to celebrate 80th anniversary of the publication of the anthology «The Poetry of Armenia» was held in 1996, ten years after the previous conference. It was the longest interval since the first «Brusov Readings» were held in 1962. Political vicissitudes of late 1990-s obviously had an unfavorable impact on the cultural domain. The participants of the conference focused not only on conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues referring to Brusov studies but also on specific text analysis of Brusov’s works, his motifs, as well as on figurative and subject structures used in his books. The academics tended to more deeply comprehend Brusov’s world-view, to thoroughly consider poetic and scientific background of Silver Age. To note, only the academics from Moscow were able to participate in the Yerevan conference, namely S.Kormilov, M.Mikhaylova and R.Scherbakov. To note, in 1989 and 1994 Brusov Readings were held in Stavropol, due to the political circumstances. Regretfully, only the theses of IX and X Brusov Readings were published in Stavropol. Yet a lot of academicians participated in the conference, including the speakers from the Yerevan State Pedagogical University for Russian and Foreign Languages after Valery Brusov, in particular, S.Gullakyan, E.Danielyan, T.Ordukhanyan, S.Davtyan, A.Gevorkyan. A lot of reports presented at the conference were included in the almanac «Brusov Readings» published in Yerevan in 2001. Consequently, we may state that the above-mentioned almanac is the 11th almanac entitled «Brusov Readings». The poet’s prose, critique, monoverse, dramas, poetic almanacs were considered in the section «The Issues of Valery Brusov’s Creative Activities». Brusov’s symphony «Remembrance» originally presented in the almanac is of special interest. As usual, Brusov’s private and creative relationship with G.Chulkov, Z.Gippius, Vl.Khodasevich, A.Akhmatova, S.Solovyev and others will also divert the readers. Brusov’s translations are of peculiar interest, specifically, the translations of N.Lenau, G.Byron, French symbolists; the topic «Brusov and Polish Literature» was considered as well. The recollections of N.Trifonov and E.Nuralov («On the History of Brusov Readings») are also noteworthy.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(СОВЕТАКАН ГРОХ, 1983)The current, VII academic conference «Brusov Readings» was held in Yerevan on November 17-19, 1983, to celebrate Brusov’s 110th anniversary. The conference was initiated by Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages after Brusov. A solemn sitting was held at the State Academic Theater after G.Sundukyan to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages after Brusov and the presentation of the Order of Friendship of Peoples to the Institute. The geography of the Readings was enlarged. In addition to the academics who represented the acknowledged centers for studying Brusov’s creative heritage such as Moscow, Leningrad and Stavropol, specialists from Kiev, Tbilisi, Kishinev, Alma-Ata, Odessa, Gorky, Kamenets-Podolsky, Krasnoyarsk and other USSR cities participated in the VII academic conference «Brusov Readings» as well. To add, the issues referring to the poet’s creative biography, which had not been studied thoroughly, were also considered by the academics. Over 40 reports and statements were presented in the course of the conference. The forum’s materials were included in the almanac «Brusov Readings 1983» published in Yerevan in 1985. The academics dwelled upon the issues referring to ring closure, experiences in a free verse, the critic’s attitude to proletarian poetry and his last poetic almanacs. The participants of the conference construed Brusov’s private relations with N.Petrovskaya, A.Akhmatova, M.Tsvetaeva, as well as his estimations of creative activities of Gogol, Pisarev, Pavlova, etc., from a most peculiar viewpoint. The reports on foreign literature – Shakespeare, Wilde, Goethe’s «Faust», Baudelaire, Verhaeren, are of special interest. The academics not only presented Brusov’s translations of the above-mentioned authors’ works; they also considered the way Brusov perceived and presented their creative activities. As usual the materials published for the first time were also included in the almanac; in particular, «Sonnet on a Poet», the fragments of Brusov’s plays, «Some Reflections on Gogol», sketchbooks, correspondence, reviews on Fofanov, drafts of ironical poems, a draft of a play entitled «Faust in Moscow», commemorative inscriptions, unknown autographs, etc. A book «From ‘’ Vahagn’s Birth’’ up to Paruyr Sevak» was also published in 1983.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(СОВЕТАКАН ГРОХ, 1980)The next, 6th All-Union academic conference «Brusov Readings» was held in Yerevan on May 22-24, 1980, initiated by the Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages after V.Brusov. The specialists from Armenia, Moscow, Leningrad, Tbilisi, Kishinev, Stavropol, Gorky, Vladimir and other cities of the USSR participated in the conference. Some significant events occurred in the scope of Brusov studies during the period between 5th «Brusov Readings» (1973), dedicated to V.Brusov’s 100th anniversary, and the 1980 conference. In particular, a 7-volume collection of V.Brusov’s works was published in Moscow; the 85th volume of «Literary Heritage» dedicated solely to the poet was issued in 1976. The Stavropol Pedagogical Institute published four almanacs entitled «Brusov Readings». The publication of «Brusov’s Bibliography», which covered a period from 1884 to 1973, summarized the long-term work carried out by the academics from the Cabinet of Brusov’s creativity. About 30 reports were presented in the course of the academic conference. A considerable part of these reports was included into the almanac «Brusov Readings-1980» published in Yerevan in 1983. The articles submitted at the conference covered a variety of aspects referring to V.Brusov’s belles-letters activities, namely: the authors accented V.Brusov’s typological and contact ties with his contemporaries and the prominent representatives of various national literatures. M.Gasparov’s report entitled «Brusov and Line Glosses» was of particular interest. M.Gasparov suggested the exact principle for calculating the degree of any translation’s accuracy. Certain unknown materials, e.g., V.Brusov’s drama, translations of W.Whitman’s and F.Schiller’s works by V.Brusov, the reports on his controversies with Leo Tolstoy were included into the almanac. The participants of the conference underlined the necessity of elaboration and publication of V.Brusov’s scientific biography, along with a need to improve the organizational and scientific criteria of «Brusov Readings». Recommendations on publication of works and materials relevant to V.Brusov’s creative activities were approved.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Периодика, 1986)8th academic conference «Brusov Readings» was held in Yerevan in October 1986 to celebrate Translators’ days, consequently, it was quite an audience. The conference was initiated by Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute for Russian and Foreign Languages after Brusov. Although the traditional conference was arranged for 70th anniversary of the publication of the anthology «The Poetry of Armenia» the conference was not limited by the frames of Brusov’s translation activities. The participants of the conference had presented over 50 reports which were afterwards included in the almanac «Brusov Readings 1986» published in Yerevan in 1992. The publications of Brusov’s prose strengthened the audience’s interest. The matter concerns, in particular, «Fiery Angel», «Nights and Days», «Now That I Woke Up», «Glass Pillar», etc. The participants of the conference considered the influence of Western philosophers on the poet’s world view formation. A number of specialists considered the peculiarities of Brusov’s prosody, as well as Brusov’s relations with Fet, Tyutchev, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, A.Tolstoy, Brusov’s translations of Edgar Poe and Schiller. The materials which had not been published were also included in the almanac, in particular, the notes on Schopenhauer, fragments from «Sketchbooks», «A Diary», a drama «The Earth», commemorative inscriptions, reviews on proletarian poets, etc. It is noteworthy that the academics tended to reveal new aspects, such as a thorough analysis of Brusov’s most important almanacs, poetics, and the peculiarities of the poet’s creativity, the comprehension of history in Brusov’s prose and poetry, as well as philosophical background of Brusov’s works.
ItemБрюсовские чтения(Лингва, 2016)On October 6-8, 2016, the XV International academic conference «Brusov Readings-2016» to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of «The Anthology of Armenian Poetry» was held in Yerevan. The conference was initiated by the Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences with the support of the Graduates Association of the Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences, the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan, the Union of Armenians of Russia and «Antares» holding. The opening ceremony of the conference was held on October 6, at 10 a.m., at the Conference Hall of the Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences. The famous academicians and young specialists from Armenia, Russia (about 10 cities), the U.S., France, Czech Republic and other countries participated in the conference. In the course of the opening ceremony Gayane Gasparyan, the YSULS rector, the representatives of the RA Ministry of Education and Science, RA Ministry of Culture, the Embassy of Russian Federation in Armenia, the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan and the Union of Armenians of Russia addressed the audience.The following events were held within the framework of the conference: the presentation of the facsimile publication of «The Anthology of Armenian Poetry» and the official site of the Brusov Science Center, as well as a concert program. The participants of the conference visited Martiros Saryan House-Museum, the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex, and Oshakan (the guests visited Mesrop Mashtots’s grave on October 8, within the framework of the celebration of the Holy Translators’ Day). The tradition of the «Brusov Readings» goes back to 1962. During 50 years the conference was held not only in Armenia, where the center of Brusov Studies – Brusov Science Center at the Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages – is situated, but also in Russia. The «Readings» are usually arranged for the anniversary data. The current year’s date is crucial not only from the viewpoint of Brusov’s creative activities, but of the historical destiny of the whole Armenian nation as well. The matter concerns the publication of the monumental work – «The Anthology of Armenian Poetry from the Ancient Times till Today». Brusov was the first to unveil the ample poetry of Armenia and to disclose the enormous richness of multi-centennial Armenian poetry – a really challenging task. «The Anthology of Armenian Poetry» was published in 1916. 2016 is marked by the resurgence of the epoch-making publication. Its presentation was also held within the frames of the conference. 9 joint and specialized sessions were held during the conference: VALERY BRUSOV AND THE ARMENIAN CULTURE VALERY BRUSOV AND THE WORLD CULTURE VALERY BRUSOV AND THE WORLD CULTURE THE PROBLEMATIC ISSUES OF VALERY BRUSOV’S CREATIVE ACTIVITIES
ItemБрюсовский текст в сборнике «Первые встречи» Мариэтты Шагинян(Лингва, 2018) Zulumyan BurastanThe paper analyzes the initial period of Marietta Shaginyan’s life and literary activities, the issues referring to the poetic course of «The First Meetings» poetry collection (1909), its originality and imitativeness, the influence of works by Valery Bryusov and Zinaida Gippius. The reminiscences from «Urbi et Orbi» by V. Brusov, the composition of the collection «The First Meetings» have also been considered.
ItemВ. Брюсов И О. Мандельштам о поэзии Армении: лингвокогнитивный аспект(Лингва, 2018) Vitkovskaya Leokadiya ; Golovchenko IgorThe paper focuses on historical and literary issues referring to the development of Russian-Armenian relations, related to creative activities of V. Brusov and O. Mandelstam, and to their research of Armenian poetry’s linguo-cognitive peculiarities.
ItemВ.Я. Брюсов и М.С. Сарьян. К истории творческого диалога(Лингва, 2024) Сарьян С.Л. ; Орлова М.В.The article examines the features that unite the Russian poet V. Brusov and the Armenian artist M. Sarian. In an effort to express their individual experiences, both embarked on the path of updating the artistic language in their youth. Symbolism as a trend in the new art most closely corresponded to their ideas and plans. After the 1917 revolution, both were actively involved in the construction of culture. Brusov did not have long to live; Sarian went through a long, difficult and fruitful creative path, at the end of which he returned to the origins that formed his creative worldview in his youth.