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ItemBulletin of Brusov State University(Lingva, 2022)
ItemԱյլաբանական վեպի համեմատական վերլուծություն.Անատոլ Ֆրանս եվ Ֆրանսուա Ռաբլե (Ա.Ֆրանսի «Պինգվինների կղզին» և Ֆ.Ռաբլեի «Գարգանտյուա և Պանտագրյուել» վեպերի նյութի հիման վրա)(Lingva, 2022) Հայրապետյան ԷլենThe novel “Penguin Island” by Anatole Franz presents almost all stages of French society and the history of civilization through satirical and allegorical paintings. When writing his novel, Anatole Franz was inspired by the novel Gargantua and Pantagruel by F. Rabelais. In the novel by Anatole Franz, real historical figures are hidden under the fictitious names of the characters, and in the novel by Rabelais, the names of the characters have an allegorical meaning, symbolizing the ideas of advanced humanity of the Renaissance, embodying the aspirations and desires of the author regarding the changed world.
ItemՊ. Բ. Շելլիի «Չենչի» ողբերգության միջտեքստային առնչությունները Վ. Շեքսպիրի «Մակբեթ» և «Լիր Արքա» ստեղծագործություններում և դրանց հայերեն թարգմանվածքներում(Lingva, 2022) Հովհաննիսյան ՍիրանուշThe article touches upon intertextuality, focusing on the literary references of P. B. Shelley's tragedy “The Cenci”. The author has singled out the close intertextual connection of the tragedy with W. Shakespeare's “Macbeth” and “King Lear”, highlighting a number of similarities: ideology, content, plot, characters and language, as well as the prerequisites for the emergence of those similarities. The expression of intertextuality is also observed and analyzed in their Armenian translations.
ItemՄաքս Ֆրիշի «Օրագրային» արձակի կառուցվածքի և շարադրման ոճի առանձնահատկությունները(Lingva, 2022) Նավասարդյան ՍյուզաննաOwing to the novels and narratives of Swiss writer Max Frisch, based on the material of autobiographical diary records, the “diary” prose finally took its firm place in European fiction as a equivalent literary genre. The aim of this article – is the analysis of the dynamics of development of the “diary” prose in the German-language literature from the traditional diary to the literary genre, which can be best of all followed namely in the works of Max Frisch. In contrast to traditional diary, which doesn’t have a definite structural composition and one common plot-line, the prose works of the author, based on the biographical facts, have a deep idea content, well organized structure, a strict sequence of plot, cause and effect relationship. This research work is stated in principle of historical-comparative and literary-critical analysis of Max Frisch’s prose fiction. Here is also analysed the connection between the "diary" prose of author and the philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard, which can be observed as the theoretical base of present research.
ItemԳործառական բայական կայուն կապակցությունների կիրառությունը գերմաներենում և դրանց համարժեքները հայերենում(Lingva, 2022) Ղազարյան ԷլիզաThe functional structures in German were criticized by the linguistic critics, but for a long time they have not been a research object.The semantic syntactic characteristics of these structures became an object of study not until the second half of the 20th century. In the 1960s, linguists began to analyse the tendency to use the nominal style, especially in the the academic, official and professional field. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the functional structures and their components in German by comparing them with the corresponding equivalents in Armenian to reveal their semantic-syntactic characteristics. These constructions are being interpreted as an autonomous subcategory placed between semantics, syntax and word formation (morphology).
ItemՈչ համարժեք դարձվածքների թարգմանությունը (հայերեն և ռուսերեն օրինակների օգտագործմամբ)(Lingva, 2022) Յադլովսկի Տոմաշ ; Հակոբջանյան ԱնահիտAuthors analyse possibilities of translating idioms that do not have corresponding equivalents in the target language. In addition to existing methods described in literature, they propose translation by means of compensation within a narrow context. The substitute idiom should be chosen from the same phraseosemantic field, and thus, both semantic link to the original text and important stylistic level typical of idioms are preserved in the target text. The theory is demonstrated by examples of translation from Armenian into Russian and vice versa.
ItemԴիմակի նախահիմքերը և գործառույթները իտալական ազգային թատրոնում(Lingva, 2022) Համբարձումյան ԱնիThe Italian national theater is known for its longevity. It was a source of inspiration for many later theatrical schools. Behind the success of the Italian national comedy researchers underline the use of all special theatrical forms, such as the masks. Masks are considered to be one of the most complex theatrical forms of commedia dell’arte. The article examines the basis of mask formation (rituals, Atellan farces, Greek tragedy) identifying its functions in the Italian National Theater, as well as demonstrating the development of the mask at the historical and psychological levels.
ItemMultimodality and multimediality in the framework of contemporary public discourse(Lingva, 2022) Simonyan AniNew technologies have changed the nature of public discourse enabling politicians to use the infinite promotion opportunities offered by contemporary media and modes of communication, i.e. technological advancements result in the emergence of new modes aimed at making public messages more powerful. In this respect, it is essential to discuss political campaigns, political posters and online platforms which can be illustrative of the fact how different media and modes of communication can benefit the candidate if chosen carefully and properly. In terms of political posters, through the methods of case study, semiotic, linguo-stylistic and multimodal analyses, the research will be carried out to reveal the use of various modes used, the differences and similarities in this respect between the chosen posters. What comes to media platforms, President Biden’s social networking accounts are under analysis to detect the interaction between media and multimodal ensemble.
ItemԲարբառային բառերի ոճական կիրառությունները Հակոբ Օշականի փոքր արձակում(Lingva, 2022) Ղազարյան ՇուշանիկDialect words are extensively used in H. Oshakan’s short prose and aim at solving various stylistic problems. They are used in the author’s speech so as to give vivacity, brevity, emotionality, credibility to writing and sometimes to express the writer's attitude. In the characters’ speech dialect words contribute to the personalization, naturalness, vividness, mental recreation of the rural environment.
ItemՄիջտեքստայնություն. եզրույթի ծագումն ու զարգացման փուլերը(Lingva, 2022) Սիսակյան ԴիանաThe subject matter of this paper is the origin and development of the term "intertextuality". Starting with the old classical theories of imitation, our aim is to chronologically introduce the concepts of intertextuality that exist in parallel with the development of human society and to define the term "intertextuality".By studying theories of texts and imitation, our goal is to discover the essence of intertextuality. The main significance of this study is the chronological description of the stages of development of intertextuality and the postmodernist interpretation of the term.
ItemԹուրքերենի և հայերենի բայասեռի հիմնահարցերը (սահմանումների ընդհանրություններն ու տարբերությունները)(Lingva, 2022) Զաքարյան ՇուշանիկThe category of voice in Modern Turkish demonstrates various meanings in different situational cases due to its morphological, semantic and syntactic characteristics. The issue concerning the voice category of Turkish remains controversial condidioned by these facts. A group of turkologists-linguists have proposed various categorizations of voice forms based on the fact that the verb expresses the relation of the action with the grammatical subject and object, brings out the logical doer and receiver of the action. It is viewed as a linguistic phenomenon which is intermediate between word-formation and morphology. Whereas, having compared the studies of verb voice category, suggested by Armenian linguists, we have come to the conclusion that the category of voice in Turkish, with all its characteristic features, is a purely verbal category.
Item«Անիսկական բառակազմություն» հասկացության ըմբռնումը լեզվաբանական գրականության մեջ (ֆրանսերենի նյութի հիման վրա)(Lingva, 2022) Թորոսյան ՍյուզանConversion is a morphosyntactic phenomenon, with morphological and syntactic changes occurring simultaneously. Conversion as a way of forming new lexical units includes the process of selection and consolidation. Our study showed that if the selection is random, then fixing is a long process, while some of the neoplasms are considered occasionalisms. The formation of substantive epithets by adjectivization of a noun suggests connotative shifts and the appearance of additional stylistic coloring in the original linguistic units.
ItemԵրկբարբառությունը և երկլեզվությունը որպես արաբական երկրներին բնորոշ հանրալեզվաբանական իրադրություն(Lingva, 2022) Երիցյան Հասմիկ Ա.The article presents the phenomena of diglossia and bilingualism in the Arab world. The formulations of different linguists about chronology are considered. The article examines the features of bilingualism as a sociolinguistic situation in some Arab countries. The reasons for the emergence and deepening of diglossia in the Arab countries were analyzed in a separate subsection. Reference was also made to the phenomenon of bilingualism in some Arab countries, on the one hand, the situation in the countries under the influence of English was described, and on the other hand, the bilingual situation in a number of North African countries with simultaneous use of French․
ItemԽոսքային անուղղակի ակտերը արդի հայերենի խոսքային գործունեության իմաստային Ենթադաշտում(Lingva, 2022) Դոխոյան ՌուզաննաThe aim of the article is to research speech indirect acts in the semantic subfield in the speech activity of modern Armenian, considering that the above-mentioned acts are realized with the verbs of that subfield. In indirect acts the speaker disguises his intentions in an indirectways especially through various questions. We distinguish two types of indirect acts: conventional and speech-situational. Indirect acts realize different intentions of communications such as reporting, request, order, confirmation, refusal, offer, advice, promise, invitation, compliment, irony, hint and so on.
ItemЛингвокогнитивные аспекты исследования метафоры глагола 煎 (жарить) в китайском языке(Lingva, 2022) Гриценко ДавидThe article presents the metaphorical mappings of the verb 煎 (fry) in Chinese language, and attempts to analyze the mechanismsof emergenceof the corresponding metaphors. Applying the formula of interaction between the cognitive structure of the source domain and the cognitive structure of the target domain (A is B), developed by J. Lakoff and M. Johnson in the framework of the theory of cognitive metaphor, and using materials from authoritative Chinese dictionaries and texts from the online corpus of modern Chinese language, the author reveals the main metaphors associated with the studied verb in Chinese.
ItemМесто и роль интернет-СМИ в языковой системе виртуального общения(Lingva, 2022) Ерицян Асмик Е.In this paper, we examined the features of the functioning virtual communication language in the context of its influence on the modern Internet media language and stylistics. We considered the main threats that, in our opinion, have a negative impact on the online media language, which also affects the general speech culture of the population, and also tried to understand the causes of these phenomena and identify possible solutions to the mentioned problems. Particular attention is paid to the role of highquality online media and journalism in the formation of a normalized Internet communication stylistics.
Item«Գերմարդու» գոյատևման խնդիրը Ջ. Լոնդոնի «Ծովագայլը» վեպում(Lingva, 2022) Հակոբյան ՄարիամWhen the modern man gradually approaches perfection, subjecting the path of historical development to his powerful will, a new era of the superman will begin. This is the basis of the "superman theory" of F. Nietzsche, which found its unique response in the novel "The Sea-Wolf" by J.London. Can superman scientifically exist with such powers on earth? This is the main question of the present article, which is examined in the context of the comparison between the protagonist of the novel and the "superman" of Nietzsche from the point of view of neo-romantic literature.
ItemՏրանստերմինոլոգիայի գործառույթը լեզվաբանության դիտանկյունից(Lingva, 2022) Իվանյան ԱրուսյակIn this article, an attempt was made to analyze the properties of transterminology by exploring the approaches of scientists in various scientific fields. Transterminology is the linguistic process by which terms inflow from one scientific apparatus to another and are adapted. The key point is to discover the peculiarities of transterminology and its manifestations in particular scientific subsystems.
ItemAssociative images in “No story” by O. Henry(Lingva, 2022) Yeghiazaryan GayaneThe aim of the article is to study the imagery system in “No Story” by O. Henry and to disclose the existence or absence of associative-image components in it. In order to achieve this goal the following tasks are put forward: to analyze the various theories of the concepts "image" and "imagery", to study linguistic and cultural features of images in “No Story” by O. Henry, to analyze the image associations presented through a variety of linguistic and stylistic means. It can be stated that “image” is a specific, at the same time, generalized sign of existence, being created by linguistic and stylistic means, has an aesthetic value and evokes different sensual and mental associations in the reader’s imagination.
ItemОсобенности лексических стилистических приемов в детективных рассказах (по мотивам рассказов А. К. Дойла)(Lingva, 2022) Геворкян РузаннаThis article makes an effort to reveal the stylistic potential of lexical stylistic devices and emphatic constructions in detective stories, particularly in the stories by A. Doyle. Based on the analysis of the linguistic material in the stories, the frequent use of such stylistic devices as metaphor, metonymy, simile, epithet, hyperbole, allusion, zeugma have been revealed. With the help of these devices the author manages to describe the characteristic features and actions of the characters in an expressive way and to emphasize their liveliness, authenticity and emotions.